Yoni Masseur
  • Last seen 4h
  • Joined Apr 2022
Yoni Masseur @psychopera


0 Videos 57 Followers 180 +2 Rank

Gentleman looking for a relationship with a kind, intelligent girl who loves masturbating. I've never been married and have no children. I spent all my time and money on school with nothing to show for it but pieces of paper saying that I did well and an enormous debt. I love vulvae and friendships with women (none of my real life friends show me theirs). I dream of a girl who prefers to keep her vulva naked when we're alone together. I love to finger vaginae and give women pleasure regardless of my personal state of arousal. I don't care for exposed feet or rough stuff and strongly dislike tattoos. Drug/alcohol/tobacco-free. No one-night stands. I'm a serious film buff and have seen around half of the films in the Criterion Collection so far.

  • New York, NY, USA
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